Drama You...
The UPSR results were out yesterday. Lina told me that Sofia was quite cool until the last few days before they were out. Then she seemed to tense up a bit. No good, I was not too worried about what she’d bring back, more about what it would do to her self confidence and how it will affect her standing among her friends. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it does not. Boarding school? No need meh……. Unless she wants to go to the same school with her brother, of which she is adamantly against. Maybe that all girl school in Seremban (her choice, not ours) or that school in Cyberjaya which used to carry the name of a pond. We used to call that school the fish pond school. A compromise.
Anyway, Sofia went to school as usual. Lina followed suit at just about noon, when the results were to be announced. The way they did it in her school was to call out the ones who obtained all A’s (5A’s) alphabetically. They went right down the alphabet, got to “S”, and, and, and………………… no Sofia.
“Ma…..”, she looked at her mother realizing what this must means – she’s not one of those who got the desired results, the 5A’s.
She started crying. Her mother, seeing how sad she is, started to do likewise too. Lina told me later that she was so sad in seeing how disappointed Sofia was, that’s why she started to cry. I'd probably cry too.
“Tak apalah adik, tak dapat 5A pun tak apalah……”
It turned out that they somehow missed her name. She got the coveted 5A's. That cikgu caused so much heartache meh…. Only one pupil in her class did not get 5A’s. I spoke with Sofia today and she told me that the poor girl is still crying. But then, for all we know, she is the one who will be breezing through the SPM examinations five years from now. Defeat is the soil on which victory blooms. Stop crying little girl....
So Lina said that she knew how it felt like when Sofia did not get the desired exam results. At least for 15 minutes that is. Cedeh you….
I need a new drug.