Saturday, November 08, 2008

Health Walk


The good doctor organised a "Health Walk" along the route over the mountains a few miles south of the city. It is an 8-km trek, up and down and up and down the mountain as we go.

The good doctor at the start of the track. Behind her is Khairizul and daughter.

The thing is, all the transport will be waiting at the end point. Either you start and finish or pretend to start and then chicken out. The temperature was in the low teens, I had only an hour of sleep after sending some guests home just a few hours before and 8 km is a very long way. Khairizul's daughter keep pestering him to go faster and catch the others, but there was a catch - he was carrying her on his back!!!

The view from about 500 m up. We ended up to about 2800 m above sea level.

I guess pride played a part. Some of the guys, and gals were running up the track. Granted that many of them are nearly two decades younger than me but then there's life in these bones still. Ain't gonna take things lying down.

Tai Chi lesson gone wrong. How come there aref our different poses? I swear that there was only one si fu....

Don't let the pace of Tai Chi fool you. It is difficult!! You'd think that it would be a cinch to follow it since it is so slow. Yeah, right.

I made it!!!! Now I can look at those young punks in the eyes and tell them that I finished the walk too. Who cares I took an hour longer. I don't.
The first 3 kilometres were the hardest. Then when you reached that point, there is simply no turning back it would mean walking over the same distance either way.