Saturday, November 27, 2004

Playing Risk - A Board Game


Have any of you ever played Risk, a board game of world domination? Actually it's just a silly game but we, that's me, my wife's two brothers, her father and her brother-in-law have been playing it for 14 years. It's a family affair whenever we get together a few times a year and tear each other to pieces.

Imagine, whenever we are at my wife's parents' house, once the kenduri, dinner or supper is over, the five of us would hover around aimlessly until someone says the magic word (meRisking, as in memanjat i.e. climbing) and like magic the table is cleared of plates and saucers and cups, the board is set up and all available players would shyfully take their places. The shyness usually lasts for five minutes, after all, neither Napoleon nor Caesar could have been what they were if they were shy on the battlefield...... Endless mugs of teh tarik would then magically appear, courtesy of my sister-in-law, after her father said that she makes the best teh tarik in the world. She does actually. My wife would then bring us the best tasting cookies, cakes or kuih in the world for us to gnaw upon in our times of anxieties. She does actually. My wife I mean, she does make the best cookies and kuihs. Her father says so too. The ladies of the house would roll their eyes and leave us guys alone. My sister-in-law played once. Once. She could not take the viciousness.

The Genghis Khan among us used to be my brother-in-law Shaz, and his black armies. Whenever we played, never never piss him off or attack him for he would get back to us with a vengeance. He's brutal but he has lost his touch these last few years since his children came into existence simply because he loses concentration with them around, trying to take care of them and play at the same time. But then whupping him does not provide us with the same satisfaction as when he was kid-free.

Since there are only five of us who have the bloodthirsty appetite needed for the game, we plan to rope in my son and his cousin into the game after their UPSR next year. We reckon that they'd probably need two or three games after which they would probably give us a run for our money but I think it will be a while before they could match us in cunning, fakes, feints and ruthlessness. That must sound really bad but it does not actually turn us into a monster or anything like that but once in a while someone might wake up his sleeping wife to complain that there he was, quietly minding his own business and building his army when out of the blue, the black armies attacked him, wiped his armies off the face of the globe and took away his cards. You could do that after wiping someone clean off the world, for those cards are mighty handy when your turn comes and you get to change cards for armies and you could really really mess someone up. But pray hard that he doesn't return the favour the next time you play.

It's played with dices, mission cards and lots of luck. The dices, that's the key thing. Playing Risk has shown me that the dices can turn against you at times and one thing is for sure, you won't see me in the casinos of Genting, Monte Carlo or Macao.

Anyone of you think you are enough of an Alexander The Great to tangle with us?
