Thursday, November 25, 2004

Death Not Needed


Someone I know well is going through a divorce. A messy one. Used to be that they love each other and can’t wait to see each other and now, they are at each other’s throat. They insult people dear to each other, to hell with the in-laws, the outlaws, the young and the old. As long as you are in the line of fire, you are fair game. And the line of fire overlaps our lives. And now all the gory, dirty and undesirable details start to bubble to surface, things six, seven, eight years ago, all the witchcraft, all the cruelties and all the injustices. All the dirty things. Now it seemed nothing good was ever transpired between them. So much bitterness between two people who once meant the world to each other. The sun and the moon. I know, we know, for we were there once. Some of us are still there, some left the place and some were marooned there.

Where are all the promises that were made, the whispered sweet nothings, the seas of fires promised to be crossed, now turned to volleys of vicious flames over what used to be the dearest, sweetest and closest of ties, now a deep and endless abyss? They spoke so softly to each other that we, who were next to them, could not hear them yet over the line they understood and got to each other, to their hearts, for they spoke with their hearts. Now they scream with their hatred.

When in any other instance was the phrase “I love you” ever taken so lightly? When were promises taken more lightly? They can’t bear each other when it used to be that they cannot bear to be away from each other. They would go to sleep with each other as their last thoughts and wake up with each other as their first and only thought.

Now there are the evil deeds, the poisonous words, the vengeful actions and even looks of spite. The misty looks of love are now replaced by stares of hatred. No one wins for once friends are now enemies and once lovers are now foes. My best friend is now my mortal enemy.

The belittling. The facade. In short, the lies. Can two people ever be so wrong when at once they seemed so right? We cheered at the reunion. Now we curse the past. We curse what was once part of us.

The victor? Senselessness. Despair. When love turns to hatred, that could be the only outcome. No victors. Only losers. Just a matter of who is the biggest loser. And hurt the most the only people that both of them profess to love. Till death do us apart?

Death is certainly not needed. We could do it ourselves.
