Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Temper Fi


I shouted at someone during a meeting yesterday but I think it was well-deserved and worth it.

Well, we, the team presented our case and this guy, let’s say he’s a member of the review panel and he didn’t agree with something that we proposed.

“I don’t agree with the location of this building/tree/road/well/drain.”

“Can you tell us why you do not agree?”

“Well, it’s not the optimum location.”

“Can you propose an alternative location?”

“No, I can’t because I have not seen the details but.........”

“Ya, you haven’t seen the details but we have and you simply cannot say you don’t agree with something but then not propose an alternative. If that is the case, I’d like to sit on the committee all day long and comment on other people’s work. Believe me, I could do that!!!”

“No, that is not what I meant mumble, mumble......"

After the meeting, one of my staff told me, “Boss, you were quite loud just now boss…..”

“Was I? Gasakkan dia, padan muka….”

Well, my weekly “thump a review commitee member” deed done, (that counts as a good deed) I left the office for a practice session at Ampang Bowl with my buddy ex-Joe.

Bad session.

Good day.
