Monday, April 25, 2005

Car Undilemma


We have decided that we will not buy another car now to replace Lina’s car. Simply because we don’t have the money. I thought that I’d be able to squeeze a few bucks or so from our current monthly expenses but that might be easier said than done. Let’s put it this way, the amount of money that I have left over each month barely covers the amount needed for the monthly payment for the car.

“Are you sure we have the money to pay for the car?”, Lina asked.

“If we don’t, it might not be a good idea to buy the car now. Remember, if we are short of money, there is no one for us to turn to. You can’t ask emak for money and neither could we ask mama and papa, those three people have enough problems of their own”, she added.

Uh, yeah sure, ask my mother for money. Haven’t done that in, ooohhh, 20 years or so and I don’t intend to start again now. She is on the wrong side of seventy and the last thing she needs is me asking for money. Tunggu tanduk kucing bertanduk dulu.

“But I get a raise this month and at the most it would be a painful one year before we could breathe easier. Besides, the bonus later this year could help alleviate things a bit”, I said.

“Yeah, sure, that would mean an anxious, no, like you said, a painful one year and the last thing I want to see is you worrying about our monthly expenses. I hate it when you worry about things that we should not have gotten ourselves into in the first place. The children hate it too. Look, we don’t need to replace my car this year. We think about it next year, OK?”, she continued.

“And don’t add your bonus into the equation, you know you are not supposed to do that?”.

Baik ma’am.

Ah well, she simply made sense. Thinking of it, I do have the insurance and road tax for one car to settle this month. Same thing in another six months for the insurance and the other car. Hari Raya later this year would mean more expenses. Tak kan nak scrimp on duit Raya orang, kan? Come December, Nazzim and Sofia would need a million things for the new school year and that would probably cost an arm and a leg and a few other limbs too. Before that, during the school holidays, they would want a short holiday somewhere and they are not asking for Vegas, Monaco or Rio but Pangkor or Melaka or Penang does cost a few bucks. Which might not be there if I have to pay for the car!!!

It could be worse. Instead of me wanting to do so, she herself could insist we buy a new car and to hell whether we could afford it or otherwise……..
