Friday, July 15, 2005

Fowl Play


The last month or so has been a trying one for Nazzim. He had been complaining of ear-ache, his sniffling has not gotten any better and so has his eczema (which is usually associated with asthma, of which he has a mild version). So Lina took him to see the ENT specialist and in addition to some medicine, asked us to get rid of carpets from our house, he also instructed that Nazzim abstains from eating, among others, dairy products, nuts, eggs and lo and behold, his most favourite food in the whole wide world, chicken.

So, for about a month we did as best as we could in following the doctor's orders and his condition improved quite a bit and he even lost 2 kgs on a chicken-less diet.

On Wednesday I took him for a follow-up visit to the good doctor. The doctor pretty much confirmed that his condition has improved but wants him to stay off the forbidden food, but most importantly, chicken for another six months. I could see the sadness in his face when he reconfirmed the news with me, yes, that the doctor did actually said that. Maybe that is why he was very upbeat about going for the follow-up visit, that the doctor would rescind the chicken ban.

But it was not to be. So now we have a youngster at home who would complain, even if Lina were to cook everything and anything good in the world, that "there's nothing to eat".
