Friday, September 17, 2004

Nearly Crying In The Rain


I left the office at 5 pm sharp yesterday. I wanted to go to Seremban as my mother was holding a kenduri arwah for my late father. Even though I left early, Jalan Tun Razak was a bit slow and as I approached the tunnel in front of RSGC, I saw the reason why – a car has broken down on the right lane. As I got closer I thought the car looked awfully familiar and true enough, it was my friend, J. I parked in front of his car, switched on my hazard lights and went over to him. He was trying to get a mechanic and/or a tow-truck. It took a bit of work but we managed to wring a promise out of some auto association or something like that and we set out to wait.

Have you ever been in that situation? It’s very embarrassing to say the least. Some people honked at us while we were waiting in the rain by the roadside. One biker yelled and it all made things more amusing for J and me. We just laughed. Tak ambik hati pun. I mean, his car broke down and there is absolutely nothing that we could do other than trying to get the car towed away as soon as possible and we have worked towards that. I do have a few choice words for people like that but I doubt if any of them have access to a PC much less know which keys to press in order to reach this blog. Maybe they can’t even spell blog. Maybe they…. Enough of the cheap shots, like I said, the chances are, the intendees will not be reading it.

Fifteen minutes. Nothing. They came about half an hour later. So did the rain. Good thing that I had like a million umbrellas in my boot. They fiddled around a bit and declared that the distributor was wet. Made sense. We have to wait for the tow-truck. Once again, it was the waiting game. You never get good at doing that by a busy, jammed road and while it’s raining Tabbies and St. Bernards. So we sat the rain out in my car and after a good one hour forty-five minutes after I first stopped, the tow-truck arrived. I have never seen such a beautiful tow-truck in my life.

So my good deed for the day done, I went on to Seremban. By the time I arrived, the kenduri was pretty much over. I went to have a shower and had dinner. Sat done and chatted with my mother and brother.

On the way home, I remembered that someone mentioned that the Nilai R&R has got a stall that sells good nasi lemak. So there was I, at 1 a.m. this morning, eating nasi lemak alone at the Nilai R&R. Not bad actually, stall no. 16, northwards bound. Nice actually.

So J, you owe me big time.
