Friday, August 06, 2004

Ramblings of a Rambler

I’d like to write more about people and I have had a request to do so but that might not be possible as I might write things that offend the subject. I could go for some safe person but that would be rather bland and boring, wouldn’t it? But then, whose life isn’t? I mean, most of us lead rather normal, sedate lives and very few of us do have the chance of seducing a prince or princess on a yacht in the Mediterranean or off Corfu. Or be a spy in the mould of Bond, James Bond. It’s hilarious actually. And in no way it is written that a normal, sedate life is wrong.

Let’s face it. Even Mother Theresa herself said and I quote, “Accordingly”. Many of us wish that we’d have a more exciting life, and I am one of them, I think, but we just take whatever we could get our hands on.

Do I lead an exciting life? Maybe not. No, make that a definite no. But then I have managed to do things that many others have not and at the same time I have not been able to do some things that I’d like to do too. My wife’s best friend was a trekker and mountain climber in his bachelor days and he was planning to go to Nepal and try maybe climbing K2 or Kanchenjunga (forget about Everest, the waiting list was far too long, he said) when he met her. Kaboom!!! Just like that, as we say it, “Nepal hentah kemana, K2 hentah kemana”. But he’s happy, though I think he still has that teeny weeny vision about a mountain waving at him. But when you get struck by lightning, you get struck by lightning. No ands, ifs or buts about it.

I realized that I have just described my self too. Ah, well…..

That’s why I tell our young ‘uns to do things that they want to do now. Today. Seize the day!! Carpe diem, semper fi or whatever.

At least I am looking forward to bowling session tomorrow. My, it does not take much to make me happy, doesn’t it?

Happiness is relative, isn’t it? Recently I listed down our monthly have-to-spend list and it came to a tidy some. It could easily be the salary of many a worker here in Malaysia. But nowhere compared to a friend who said that he must have Twenty Thousand Ringgits every month just to meet his obligations. That’s a lot of obligations. That’s a lot of Ringgits. But wait a minute, I know what you are thinking. If I have that amount of money, all my problems would be solved. It might, it might not, who are we to say? But remember, the person who earns a thousand a month admires a person who earns two thousand who in turns admires a person who earns four thousand a month and so on. Each thinks that by doubling the income, all the ills and bad wills will go away. Strange, but I am as broke now as I was when I was earning half the amount. Maybe it’s a law of nature that no one not discovered yet. Heh heh, the Beruang Law, yeah, that sounds good, the Beruang Law. Eat your heart out, Mr. Murphy.

Ooooo, I’m rambling. But then, I have been rambling since about 500 words ago. Have a nice weekend, world.