Thursday, June 17, 2004

Former Beaus and Other Woes

I've got a reunion coming up this Friday. Heavens, has it been that long since I left that place? I managed to speak to someone with whom I had a wee bit of a crush then but somehow her voice didn't sound the same. But it was her.

Once I met the cousin of a former beau and she went ahead and called her cousin to check the authenticity of my story.

"Hey, Rohani (a made up name), you remember this guy in school? I have him here with me. His name?"

"Sorry, what was your name again tadi?" I'm so famous people forget my name two seconds after we were introduced.

Without telling her my name again, I waved my hands desperately begging her to stop the conversation.To make matters worse, there were five others around us at that time, all listening in and I only know one of them, my biras (my wife's brother-in-law). He repeated my name to ex-future-cousin-in-law. She said my name over the phone.

"Oh, he's the one who mengorat you but wasn't much of a white knight?", wide-eyed, she repeated what my ex-future whatever said over the phone. My biras laughed, he loves watching my misery. Must be remembering the times I whupped him playing Risk. I wasn't much of a romeo, don't hold that against me, please?

Still looking at me, ex-future-cousin-in-law said, "Were you the one who gave her that perfume?"

"Oh God, no...., I mean yes, the swan with a crown perfume......" All the way from UK lo.......

All six of them laughed really loud because my secret is out. My biras laughed out the loudest. Ex-future-cousin-in law. I coined that up from the time when my wife pointed out a lady to me during a function at her parents' palce and said, "Pa, tu mak mertua tak jadi". Her ex-future-mother-in-law. She looked rich. "So, any regrets?", I asked. I got that skewed eyebrows look. I am so lucky.

She is not really into this reunion stuff, especially if it's mine. Unless if some of my good friends and their spouses are present, she wouldn't mind that much since she is genuinely fond of some of my friends' better halves. It is something to look forward to. I do enjoy these reunions.

Ah well, there are some things best left where they are, as memories right in our hearts.