Monday, May 24, 2004

The Rebel and Chest Hairs.

The stage production of the 1977 film Saturday Night Fever is in Malaysia.

But for some of us, it was those times 27 years ago that was the real thingy. Yes, thingy. The long collar, the unbuttoned shirt, the flared pants and yes, those "Travolta" shoes. But no, I never had one of those shoes. Couldn't get myself to put them on. The collars neither. Bell-bottom pants were not that bad, I guess. The unbuttoned shirt? Not really. No chest hairs then. So clean and smooth.

But we had a schoolmate who was a spitting image of Travolta when he put on his act. Which was daily, I tell you. He liked Travolta so much that he was one. Can't tell you his name since he has moved on and is no longer a Travoltaite, if there is ever a word, anymore. But his dressing and gait was a trademark. Can't blame him though. Ever figure if you'd identify with any of the characters in the movie? I don't mind the tough one. He's good looking too, as in tough and good looking and not as in good looking like me, heh heh.

Come to think of it, Tony Manero's (the character Travolta played) brother is a good choice. Yeah, he's the one leaving the priesthood and causing so much heartache and and the reason so many signs of the cross being made in the movie. Not easy huh, leaving the priesthood. The rebel, always a hero.

But did our friend have hairs on his chest? Heavens, I'm not sure.