Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Be Good To Me

You better be nice to me, I'm going to be rich. Very very rich. I got another email today, asking for help in transferring lots and lots of money by a trusted friend, (that's what she calls me, a trusted friend) Violet Seko, Mobutu Sese Seko's daughter. You see, I am just waiting for lots and lots of money from my generous, mainly African friends. Charles Taylor's son, Jonas Savimbi's widow, Lawrence Kabilla's daughter and Sani Abacha's son. Six million US Dollars here, seven million there, another eight yonder and four or five in between. Use your fingers, if you have enough of them and you will find out that it will all add up to a very nice fortune.

Must be my good luck that all of them wrote me asking for help in retrieving a few million dollars here and there. And I get to keep a portion of the money. Money that was used to buy planes, tanks, guns and ships and a portion is always skimmed off and kept in a place where these people need some help, from people like me, in getting their hands on the money. So nice, the relatives of these despots. Happiness is receiving emails from these nice people asking me to help them, them - people who are in trouble. So nice of them. Oh, I'm not greedy, I got a lot more similar emails but I only responded to a select few.

So, once again, be nice to me for I am going to be rich. Millions and millions of US Dollars will be mine. And we have to multiply the figure by 3.83, don't we? I'm not going to bother with the many schemes that we have here, like the scheme where you invest RM 1 and get twenty friends to do the same and in no time, RM 3.2 million (20x20x20x20.......) will be yours (why, it even have a very Islamic name to it, Al-Jafrah or something or whatever. Very islamic. Certified genuine 24-carat non-cheating by no other than Bank Negara itself!!!). But nope, I'm not that gullible, I went for the mother lode, the jugular, the dollar. Ringgits are too trivial for me. Wow, I'm gonna be rich.