Colours of This Life

One question that was asked quite frequently is this - what is the worse thing about working at where I am at.
My answer, I miss my family terribly. It is wreaking emotional havoc on me. But then I looked around me and I see that many others are in the same situation. All putting on brave faces. But I know that they are going through the same emotional ups and downs as I am going through. Ah well, life goes on.
Even my trips home were blurs. Like my last one at the end of April. I reached home at 7 pm on a Sunday. That night I managed to get a peek of Nazzim and a few minutes' chat with him at the school gate. Then I went to work at our offices here for the next 3 days and on the fourth day, I went to Terengganu and back again the same day. Then the next day I went and took Nazzim to Friday solat and later picked him up for the weekend home. That was the first time we slept under the same roof since December. He has grown, I think he is only an inch or two shorter than me, much taller than I was at his age. Time was precious. No seeing anyone else that time, haha....
I bought an iPod for the long trips to and from home on those 7-hour flights that do not have any entertainment at all. None at all. Bad food. If you are lucky, no drunken fellow passengers. Only last week one was arrested when they landed at the destination. My first try with the iPod, I got dizzy. A few reasons for that. Not used to music being blasted right into my brain. I'm too old for iPods. But now OK dah, on the last 3 trips on airplane-with-nothing, I watched a few movies and lulled myself to sleep with it. Money well spent, I must say.
My high blood pressure is definitely caused by this job, too much salt in my diet and too much kambing. I must have eaten more mutton these last seven months that all the previous years of my life. So, smile at work even though I feel like cracking a few heads, cut down on my salt intake, no kambing, no tea, no coffee and lots of green tea. At least that was what an ECG, blood test and urine test told us. I'll see a quack again when I am home next.
I am coming home during the school holidays at the end of this month for a short 10-day holiday, not business trip home, yay!! The last time I told Lina that sorry I had to work four out of my six days home but she said "Tak apalah, at least you balik". No wonder I love that person.....
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