Saturday, December 15, 2007

Makan Jambu*


I got my luggage back - 2 weeks later minus my Levi's 501.

Aku sumpah Pak Arab atau Bangla mana yang ambik tu biar berulat badan dia bila dia pakai.

Why Pak Arab? Because it was traced to Cairo and Dubai.

Why Bangla? Because you simply could not imagine how many of them are in the middle east. I was at the Abu Dhabi aiport and having to go through the metal detector, I put my phones, watch, coins, lighter and pen (genuine fake original gold pen) in a plastic tray and this Bangla who was attending the machine picked up my pen, held it in his palm, jiggled it, like when most people do when they want to feel how heavy, thus maybe how valuable something is. It didn't matter to him that I was right in front of him, he just wanted to see if that pen is valuable or otherwise..... He did not look left or right, he was just interested in my pen.

"Ya alah, mangkuk ni, depan mata aku pun engkau berani buat!!!!!"

Aiyo, the gall of some people... tak malu, tak beradab betul separuh orang ni.

And minus the roti canai instant. But that, I don't mind lah, if someone is desperate enough to eat something that does not belong to you, tak dapek den buek apo-apo.....

At least my seluar banyak poket tu selamat....

And, boleh tak somebody tu registerkan I dalam Facebook so that I boleh tengok gambar-gambar. Bolehlah.......

P.S. *Makan Jambu is part of a cuss word of our local origin, concocted a long time ago, used by a few people.
