Thursday, September 08, 2005

Spics and Specs


Nazzim is now King of the World. He’s just got the UPSR exams over and done with yesterday and till this weekend he’s got a license to do whatever he wants. Returning from school yesterday, he got Lina to give him back his Gameboy, which we confiscated like six months ago. But the thing is, Sofia pulak sibuk-sibuk nak main too.

“Young lady, your brother has just gone through the first of many major exams that he has to go through. Tell me what you did to deserve the Gameboy?”

Well, nothing but somehow I had to let her play, just a bit.

Nazzim thought the UPSR was easy, except for the Penulisan paper. He’s always had some problems with that.

“Don’t know what to write la, Papa……”

Well, but then he did say that he wrote down a few points and carried on from there. I guess whatever the results are, he will learn many lessons. If he gets the desired perfect results, it will be because of the constant hard work that he puts in since the beginning of the year. If he gets less than perfect results, more work is required. But he is happy that he breezed through most of the papers. Now, for the results….. Lina says that he’d be very disappointed if he gets anything less than what he wants. But we have to be ready for that possibility and makes sure that he does not get disheartened by it. For days before the exams I told him to relax and not get nervous. Que sera sera la………..

We ended up in a bookshop last night, to get Nazzim the latest Harry Potter book, as we promised him. But both Lina and I ended up with stacks of books - they were on sale. We spent a hundred ringgits on about twelve books that would have easily cost three or even four times as much. Joli katak......

I have transferred to a new department. One that has got to do with deepwater. For starters, something like in 1,900 m of water. It is a relief. Been in the previous department for three years and it’s time for a change. And in view of some recent personal developments, maybe my next step is to ask for a posting in a far away place to get away from this d_mned place…….
