Friday, January 05, 2007

Merry New Year


Another year gone by, another year older. I have a T-shirt that was given to me while I was on Y2K duty. That shirt is seven years old. It’s still good. It’s been seven years since what could have happened. The biblical famine in ancient Egypt would have ended. The bad luck for breaking a mirror would have too.

Sometimes when I sit down with friends, we ended up talking about things that happened ten, fifteen, twenty years ago. Well, not too much of the past for if we keep looking too much at what have happened, we…., we…., we…., well, it is simply pointless to be too nostalgic!!! But memories being what they are, we can’t help it. Spoke about someone with someone (you know who you are!). Well, I reckon that most of us, me and my friends that is, do have the luxury of experience. And I reckon that I agree with the adage that youth is wasted on the young. Well, I guess in many cases the not so young would probably waste it too, should they be given youth again. And probably do it again after that too. Ah, wishful thinking.

Priorities differ with age. For Nazzim and Sofia, their priorities are simply hogging the TV, watching their favorite DVD’s over and over, video games, cousins of similar age, fast food and other things that we parents swear would ruin their lives.

Nazzim is back in boarding school. He has to do things that seniors tell him to do. He seems to enjoy boarding school. He calls home like five times everyday. He prefers that none of us goes up to the hostel with him. He gets less sleep, less time to himself, less TV and lesser quality food but he does not really complain about it. That surprised us a bit. Maybe we being close by helps. Maybe he realizes that he could get closer to his potential there. Maybe. I remember hating going back to school after each holiday. With a passion. Each time we see him, he’d tell us about his friends. They are still a mystery to us as we don’t know who is what, whom or which. Yet.

Sofia, as usual, is finding it difficult to go to school, to do schoolwork, to go mengaji, to do things what she should as a ten-year old. She pleads not getting enough sleep every morning when we wake her up, claims fatigue after coming home from school, which happens to be just before ugama school and professes sleepiness by 9 pm whenever she is doing her schoolwork, which is every night except for Fridays and Saturdays. She gets jealous of anything and everything we get for Nazzim (for his stay at the hostel) and she gets pretty much of what he gets, in some instances, even when she does not need them.

I spoke with an old long lost friend and his wife is pregnant with their sixth child. Yoweeeee..!!! Five going on six! Some people are lucky… I’d be happy with three, four would be nice….. Ah, Nazzim and Sofia would have to suffice then.

New Year’s resolutions? A few, and some are well under way. But resolutions are like promises, many are made to be broken. Yeeccchhhh…..!

May 2007 bring all of us what we need and then some. Maybe not what we want or deserve, just what we need.
