Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ye Olde Bonnie Scotland


Edinburgh is cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Try a minus 3 or 4 degrees Celcius in the morning.

I’ve got two queen-sized beds in my room and the hotel restaurant has a magnificent view of Edinburgh Castle. I’m alone and I hope I’ll have time to pay the castle a visit. Maybe tomorrow, after a visit to The Royal and Ancient at St. Andrews, that is. We, my buddy Abdullah and me that is, have been accused of bringing the snow with us. The day we landed in Aberdeen it was a warm 4 degrees Celcius and the taxi driver commented that they had only 3 days of snow this winter. That night, it snowed and snowed and snowed. Well, maybe snowed and snowed, not snowed and snowed and snowed, about 8 inches, but enough. It’s been a decade since I have been near snow anywhere and I have forgotten how cold could winter be. Sofia was happy when I sms’ed her that it was snowing.

“Bestnya Papa!!!”

It is alright, Sayang. It is a lot of fun and I played in the snow just for you. I’ll get your T-shirts, I’ll get your chocolates, I’ll get your keychains and I’ll get you anything that I think might strike your fancy. And for Nazzim, our resident Harry Potter-phile, I took a photo in front of The Elephant House, where J.K. Rowling sat down and wrote her way to being the richest woman in Great Britain. I wish I was as rich as her, dinner for three Wednesday night costs a whopping 72 Pounds, thank goodness for the existence of expense account. At RM 6.50 a Pound, that’s RM 468!!!

It was snowing in Aberdeen when we took the train to Edinburgh. It wasn’t snowing when we arrived here Wednesday night. Neither was it snowing yesterday and this morning but when I left the meeting room for a cigarette, there already was 3 inches or so of snow on the ground. And it got colder.

Well, if Edinburgh is cold, let’s see how Stavanger is like when we go there on Wednesday.